Latest Information About Mass Landings.

Jan. 23, 1996.

I just got in a new issue of a newsletter called First Contact that is put out by Sheldon Nidle from Half Moon Bay, Calif. He is a person who has contacted the space people from Sirius. These space people are trying to get enough Earth people who want to straighten out the Earth's problems to invite them in and they will make a mass landing soon.

This information is hard to read, understand and believe. It contains a lot of dates that are named by using the system set up by Jose A. a few years ago when the Harmonic Convergence was introduced. It contains traps which will make it impossible for a skeptic to even read. Getting past all of these things, if you are a sincere person who wants to make the Earth a better place, then it may make sense to you.

The last possibility is that it is all a bunch of hog-wash, Nelson is a liar, there are no space people communicating with him and I am just wasting your time. I personally believe that there is something to it. Things may not happen exactly in the time frame that he is talking about but I believe they will finally happen. Then also, they may happen just as he says. It is my desire to him in any way that I can to make this come to pass. These people from Sirius sound like a bunch of people trying to conduct a PTA meeting (where concerned parents try to help better educate their children).

These people from space seem to talk about impossible numbers of people. It's nearly impossible to believe that they also us also.

Saying all of this, I still believe what is being said. It sounds like music to my ears and I believe it is the whole purpose for me being on the Earth at the present time. I hope some of you will understand this because I honestly can't say that I understand it all myself. Hold on tight because here we go.

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Greetings! We of the Sirian Federation Regional Coucil salute you on the marvelous events that have happened to your solar system in the last two wave spells (White Dog and Blue Night wave spells - Mid October to Early November, 1995).

All sentient beings wish to honor you

Not only have you been able to obtain the complete cooperation of the new Regional Councils on the far side of our galaxy, but you have also been able to get the diplomats from those galaxies interested in joining with the Galactic Federation to honor your solar system.

All around you, the great honors that await your soon to be realized showcase galactic civilization are being made evident to all of us. We who represent this region of the galaxy come to give you additional news of what has been happening.

Mars Base has been offered for im-
portant conferences by FCT

On White Crystal Wizard (November 5, 1995), we were informed that the First Contact Team (FCT) had offered the Mars base for conferences with the representatives from other galaxies about forming an intergalactic union.

These talks require, under the Federaiton's protocols, that this region begin to establish the necessary infratructure needed to host such a huge and momentous event.

Accordingly, this Federation Regional Council issued a decree on Blue Cosmic Eagle (November 4, 1995) that formally asks the liaison councils of this organization to begin the necessary planning and to send administrative teams to the Mars base by Red Rhythmic Dragon (November 10, 1995). These teams are to begin to coordinate with the appropriate base personnel so that a possible series of agendas and conference scenarios can be completed by Blue Lunar Night (December 2, 1995). A final report can then be submitted to the Main Federation Liaison Council for its approval. Final approval should be delivered by Blue Planetary Monkey (December 10, 1995).

Elohim will instruct us about new
interdimensional portals

The Spiritual Council for this Federation Regional Council informed us that the Councils of the Elohim have decided to begin training approved Science and Exploration Teams in utilizing the new interdimensional portals on White Special World-Bridger (November 15, 1995).

This training will be conducted by special angelic guardians and a group of interdimensional civilizations that are now connected to these portals. This training will take until the completion of the Red Moon wave spell on Red Cosmic Dragon (November 30, 1995). It will allow a member of our S & E Teams to have an initial contact with many interdimensional civilizations that have previously not cooperated with us.

It is our hope that these first contacts will allow the Federation to add them as friends and possible exchangers of technologies and ideas to greatly aid this Federation's technical knowledge of this vast physical Creation.

Part 1.

JW If that is all clear to you, then I bow to you.

Source Of Information: First Contact, A newsletter for those interested in the Environment, Higher Consciousness, and Extraterrestrials, Vol. 3, No. 6, Winter 1995. Operation Victory, P.O. Box 811, Half Moon Bay, Calif. 94019. For further information, please call (415) 726-2827. Call 510-559- 8102 to order or request additional information.

John Winston.